Savannah Hood Uses TREP to Pay for Two Years of College
Savannah Hood Uses TREP to Pay for Two Years of College
Savannah is in the Teacher Recruitment Education and Preparation (TREP) program in connection with D49 and Pikes Peak State College. It is one of the extended options with Concurrent Enrollment, which offers D49 students the ability to take free college classes while still enrolled in high school. But with TREP, students can take two more years of free college classes after high school if they are in a qualified education career pathway.
Savannah will finish the TREP program this spring with an associate degree, and officially graduate from SCHS.
Savannah said, “School choice is important to me because I wanted the opportunity to get my education at a school I am familiar with and can trust has my best interest. With the college I am currently attending, I had the ability to take classes through my high school and get a head start on my higher education. I chose to continue with the college because I have an established advising team, could pursue my career goals without worrying if my credits would transfer, and it was more affordable than immediately enrolling at a four-year college.”
Savannah said she plans on pursuing a degree in history and secondary education.
“Selecting the TREP program was an important choice because I have always wanted to become an educator. The program gave me a way to pursue the education pathway I was planning to follow and was a better option to explore what I was interested in teaching. I was in contact with my advisors and they all agreed this was a great opportunity,” Savannah said.
“Savannah was one of two students who started TREP with D49 as the program launched,” said Shonda Green, D49 Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator. “This year we have a total of five students in the program, which includes Savannah. She has completed both her fifth year and sixth year while in the TREP program and will complete her associate degree in May along with some additional courses that apply directly to her bachelor’s program which she intends to complete next.”
This semester there are 700 D49 students enrolled in free college classes through Concurrent Enrollment. Green said she expects that 20 of them will earn an associate degree in May.
For more information, check out the D49 Career and College page: