Employees of the Year 2024
District 49 honored the best of the best on Thursday evening as it celebrated the Employees of the Year.
Sixty-seven employees and volunteers were recognized for their wonderful work over the past year.
“I want you to know, you are the heartbeat, you are the lifeblood of District 49,” said Lori Thompson, President of the Board of Education.
Plaques were presented to Teachers of the Year; Support Stars, which include roles such as facilities technicians, paraeducators and secretaries; Service Stars, which represent positions such as school counselors and physical therapists, and Volunteers of the Year. Honorees were nominated by their supervisors or school principals.
Congratulations to the following staff members who were honored:
Service Stars & Individualized Education Staff
Hillary Hunt
Speech Language Pathologist, Inspiration View Elementary
Jessica Odell
Social Worker serving as School Psychologist,
Vista Ridge High School & POWER Zone
Toni Smith
School Nurse, The Campus & Child Find
Jamie Zaves
District Behavior Analyst, Districtwide
Ashley Holloman
Special Education Teacher, PEAK Program
Carina Joss
Paraeducator, PEAK Program
Kimberly Sanders
Health Assistant, Bennett Ranch Elementary
Linette Williams
BASE49 Leader, Meridian Ranch Elementary
Sand Creek Zone
Teachers of the Year
Gracee Liggett
Third Grade Teacher, Evans Elementary
Melanie Bustillos
Fifth Grade Teacher, Remington Elementary
Nicole Juhl
Kindergarten Teacher, Springs Ranch Elementary
Dagmar Bierkortte
Fourth Grade Teacher, Stetson Elementary
Monica Glickman
Seventh Grade Math Teacher, Horizon Middle School
Patricia Johnson
Science Teacher, Sand Creek High School
Support Stars
Maryna Wilson
Library Technician, Remington Elementary
Jamie Denton
Significant Support Needs Paraeducator, Springs Ranch Elementary
Whitney Moore
Building Administrative Assistant, Stetson Elementary
Kaylanie Marshall
Paraeducator, Horizon Middle School
Rose Atencio
Special Education Paraeducator, Sand Creek High School
Lauren Stuart
Sand Creek Zone, Community Liaison
Service Stars
Tara Juarros
School Counselor, Horizon Middle School
Volunteer of the Year
Ann Moomey
Volunteer, Remington Elementary School
Falcon Zone
Teachers of the Year
Jordan Hall
Fifth Grade Teacher, Bennett Ranch Elementary
Amy DeWeerd
Third Grade Teacher, Falcon Elementary School of Technology
Allison Johnson
Kindergarten Teacher, Meridian Ranch Elementary
Amanda Ancheta
Fourth Grade Teacher, Woodmen Hills Elementary
Nicole Sinnott
Seventh Grade
Science Teacher, Falcon Middle School
Justin Tropp
Math Teacher, Falcon High School
Support Star
Savanah Rodriguez
General Education Paraeducator, Bennett Ranch Elementary
Leah Nielsen
Significant Support Needs Paraeducator,
Falcon Elementary School of Technology
Cassaundra Donatell
Attendance Secretary & Registrar, Meridian Ranch Elementary
Mallory Spitzer
Special Education Paraeducator, Woodmen Hills Elementary
Deanna Siemsen
Choice & Success Advisor, Falcon Middle School
Kara Robinson
Building Administrative Assistant, Falcon Middle School
Vanessa Apodaca
Building Administrative Assistant, Falcon High School
Service Star
Carrie Clay
School Counselor, Falcon Middle School
Volunteer of the Year
Bobbi Lehman
Volunteer, Meridian Ranch Elementary
Teachers of the Year
Tara Wold
Innovation Professor, ALLIES
Jody O’Driscoll
Third Grade Teacher, Inspiration View Elementary
Lacey Witt
Fifth Grade Teacher, Odyssey Elementary
Melissa Chaffin
Library Teacher, Ridgeview Elementary
Marianne Holt
Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education Teacher, Skyview Middle School
Brandon Ager
Art Teacher, Vista Ridge High School
Support Star
Karen Duncan
Special Education Paraeducator, ALLIES
Christina Odell
Building Administrative Assistant, Inspiration View Elementary
Barbara Colby
Reading Tutor, Odyssey Elementary
Cherri McKine
Building Administrative Assistant, Ridgeview Elementary
Cindy Aragon
Building Administrative Assistant, Skyview Middle School
Connie Malacara
Building Custodian, Vista Ridge High School
Volunteer of the Year
Nora Faircloth
Volunteer, Skyview Middle School
iConnect Zone
Teacher of the Year
Heather Krammes
Lead Bridge Program Teacher, Falcon Homeschool Program
Lisa Banegas
Social Studies Teacher, Patriot High School
Natalie Cummings
Electives Teacher, Pikes Peak Early College
Jane Lovelidge
High School Math Teacher, Springs Studio for Academic Excellence
Janine Sangiorgi
Middle School Science Teacher, Springs Studio for Academic Excellence
Support Stars
Joe Rivas
IVES Campus Building Manager, Falcon Homeschool Program
Jennifer Smith
Paraeducator, Patriot High School
Chelly Hardman
Registrar, The Campus
Service Star
Frances Delgado
School Counselor, Patriot High School
Central Office
Support Starts
Spencer McCabe
Budget Manager, Business Office
Elsa Ortega
Assessment Technician, Learning Services Department
CharLynn Stegman
Wellness Specialist, People & Culture Department
Lara Ehlert
Executive Assistant for Facilities & Operations
Dana Neidhardt
Building Automation Specialist, Facilities Department
Walter Anderson
Grounds Maintenance Supervisor, Facilities Department
Margaret Kalber
Nutrition Lead, Nutrition Services Department
Lynnea Brown
Transportation Manager, Transportation Department