Preschool provides a foundation for both social and academic skills to prepare them for life-long learning and success in life.
The most effective way for young children to learn is through PLAY - Our classrooms are designed to engage students in developmentally appropriate activities through guided lessons and opportunities for students to create, explore and interact with their peers. Our classrooms are structured to meet all areas of development through our many centers such as:
In the Dramatic Play Center they are learning:
- To act out real-world situations and explore different roles
- To coordinate and plan with others
- To follow social rules (cooperation, sharing, and interaction with others)
- To control impulses
- To process inner thoughts and emotions
In the Art Center they are learning:
- To understand and explore color concepts
- To foster creativity through sensory experiences
- To develop imagination and creativity by working with various objects and materials
- To express individuality, experiences, and knowledge through a variety of media
- To express interest in and show appreciation for the creative work of others
In the Writing Center they are learning:
- To develop strength and coordination of small muscles
- To encourage an interest in writing
- To understand concepts of print
- To form letters and numbers
In the Reading Center they are learning:
- To develop print awareness (left to right, top to bottom)
- To recognize letters and sounds
- To understand and interpret stories (comprehension)
- To recognize sight words
In the Block and Puzzle Center they are learning:
- To explore spatial concepts
- To be self-confident and patient
- To improve small muscle development
- To problem solve
- To strengthen eye-hand coordination
- To measure and compare
- To develop math and science skills
In the Science Center they are learning:
- To observe and explore the world
- To discover how things work
- To make predictions and comparisons to draw conclusions
- To test ideas
In the Music and Movement area, they are learning:
- To learn creativity and self expression
- To listen
- To recognize patterns
- To explore movement of large and small muscles
- To build strength, coordination and memory
- To form basic concepts
In the Library Center they are learning:
- To enjoy quiet moments and love for reading
- To develop independent reading skills
- To develop vocabulary and language skills
- To gather information
- To use imagination to create stories
- To sequence events
- To take care of books