Illness / COVID Information
Illness/COVID information 2023-2024
Student academic needs are met through our schools with a variety of options including in-person, blended learning, and D49 Pathways.
Student and staff social, emotional, and mental health resources can be found here.
We continue to encourage staff & students to remain home when ill and follow "how sick is too sick" guidance located under D49/ourservices/nursingservices:
Exclusion Criteria: This list refers to NEW symptoms or changes in usual symptoms:
Students and staff are NOT to report to school if they are experiencing the following:
- Feeling Feverish, having chills, or temperature of 100.4 or higher
- New or unexplained persistent cough
- Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
- Loss of taste or smell
- Fatigue, Muscle Aches, Headache, Sore Throat, Runny Nose/Congestion
- GI (Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea)
- Other signs of illness require exclusion (see illness guidelines “How Sick is too Sick”):
Q: What if my student tests positive for COVID-19?
A: Keep your student home and follow "how sick is too sick" guidance on COVID-19:
*Please note that individual school health staff reserve the right to send students home based on presentation of symptoms that are consistent with school illnesses currently present within the school.
If your student becomes ill during school, the school health room will contact the parent/guardian listed under student emergency contact.
- We encourage parents/guardians to ensure emergency contact information is up to date in PowerSchool Student Information System.
- We encourage parents/guardians to have a plan developed to pick up an ill student from school quickly, including a secondary or back-up contact should the parent be unable to pick up the student.
- Any student presenting with respiratory symptoms such as coughing will be offered a face mask.
- Students who become ill during school and are picked up will be advised not to participate in any athletics or clubs until cleared to return to school under illness guidelines “how sick is too sick”.
References & Resources
How Sick is Too Sick guidance updated 9/8/23:
The following preventative measures we should all follow restore us to a more “standard” posture about health conditions and health privacy. While on campus or visiting our buildings, wear a mask if you wish, maintain a respectful and appropriate distance and wash hands frequently.
Masks are not required on any of our campuses. We know some will still feel comfortable wearing masks at school, and we respect the personal preference to do so.
Social distancing
We encourage our staff, students and visitors to maintain a respectful and appropriate physical distance.
Hygiene/Hand Washing
We will continue to encourage frequent hand-washing while we resume our traditional schedule of cleaning and sanitizing our buildings and campuses.
Stay Home
We encourage students or staff who are sick to stay home and return when you feel better!
Individuals who test positive should follow guidance from El Paso County Public Health and/or medical provider. At this time, school nurses continue to follow reporting guidance from County Health. School administrators, in coordination with school nurses, will determine when it is appropriate to communicate information to their community - following communicable disease processes. For more specific information, see more information under D49 Nursing Services team /Domain/261
Updated: January 2024
211 Colorado COVID-19 Resource by Region
Services available across the state of Colorado to support families during COVID-19