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School District 49

Nursing Services

Nursing Overview

District 49 Health Services Overview:

Every District 49 school's health room is staffed by a Health Room Paraprofessional full time and a School Nurse (RN) who is assigned to one or more schools. 

School Community Health Nurses

  • Are registered nurses (RNs) and are assigned to one or more schools
  • Review information provided by parents and health care providers
  • Case manage and develop individual health care plans and emergency care plans for student’s individual health needs during school. 
  • Train teachers, administrators and other school staff to support individual student health needs
  • Collaborate, develop and implement health promotion and disease prevention programs to educate the school community about public health concerns such as immunization, nutrition, fitness, chronic disease and emotional well-being
  • Provide consultation on health issues related to Individualized Education Programs (IEP) and Section 504 Plans.
  • Delegate to, train and work closely with School Health Room Paraprofessionals
  • Link students and families to community resources

School Health Room Paraprofessionals: 

  • Are assigned to one school
  • Health Room Paraprofessionals are not nurses (RN’s)
  • Work under the clinical oversight of a School Nurse (RN)
  • Provide first aid for students who become ill or injured at school
  • Help to ensure students take medication appropriately according to physician orders
  • Coordinate mandated health screening for students
  • Support the social and emotional well-being of students
  • Immunization compliance 

School Health Services staff provide care to students who become ill or are injured at school, respond to emergencies, monitor immunization compliance, manage communicable diseases, administer medications and treatments, support the social and emotional well-being of students and maintain health records. 

Parents/guardians can support their child in school by:

  • Providing health information about their children to the school nurse
  • Notifying school health room staff (health assistant/nurse) whenever their child’s health needs change
  • Providing properly labeled medication and health care providers’ order for medication to be given in school (see medication administration form located on this site)
  •  Keeping their child home when they are sick (reference how sick is too sick document) for more information 
    • Parent expectation when called to pick up an ill student: Parents are expected to maintain most current contact information on your student's Power School information for emergency contact.  Parents are highly encouraged to respond quickly and make arrangements to quickly pick up their ill student from school. 
  • Encouraging healthy nutrition, sleep and exercise

If parents/guardians have questions about school health services at their child's school, contact the health room at the school.

D49 follows Colorado Department of Education Screening Protocol for Hearing and Vision programs to identify and refer students at risk for vision and hearing problems.  Screening sessions are scheduled early in the school year for children in PK-9th grades, by teacher referral and for students newly enrolled in District 49. 

Meal Modification needs: Please contact our D49 Nutrition services for any school meal modifications/requests at: /Page/8706

Medication Policy:  Colorado State law governs our medication policy and under District 49 procedures for administration of medications to students pursuant to school board policy JLCA, Student Health/Nursing Services and requirements.  If your child must take medication during school and/or during any school-sponsored events, you must provide the following. 

  •     The school nurse shall have received written orders for administration of the medication from the student's licensed health care practitioner with prescription authority.  Also, the parent shall authorize school personnel to confer with the prescribing healthcare provider by providing written permission for medication administration to students. This includes all over-the-counter, prescription, and homeopathic medications. (The only exception is cough drops, which are supplied from home, and may be given with written parent permission. The cough drops will be kept in the health room, and your student may have up to 3 per day.) The physician may fax medication orders to the school.  PLEASE NOTE: The pharmacy label applied to the medication bottle will NOT suffice for a doctor’s order.
  • Medication will be administered by the school nurse, or by unlicensed school personnel trained and delegated by the Registered Nurse registered for the task of giving such medication. A parent is always welcome to come to school and administer medication to his/her own child as necessary. 
  • Medication shall be in the original, properly labeled pharmacy container with the current date printed on the container, and all other parameters required for medication administration (student name, prescribing physician's name, drug name, dose, route, time and/or frequency). 
  • All non-rescue medications must be kept in a secure cabinet in the school health room.  If a student must carry rescue medication with him or her, such as an inhaler, Epi-Pen, diabetes supplies, a physician order is required, and the student must sign a self-carry contract. 
  • D49 will allow high school students ONLY to self-carry ONLY 1-2 doses of over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol and Motrin which must be in the original store-bought container and follow strict OTC medication self-carry contract and safety guidelines.  All OTC Self-Carry contracts for high school students must be signed by a parent/guardian, student and school nurse and renewed every school year. 

Life-Threatening Allergies: 

Due to a growing number of students that may develop anaphylaxis if exposed to an allergen, District 49 strives to keep all students safe by educating staff and parents about allergy prevention. District 49 schools are Peanut/Tree Nut Protected, buildings are not Peanut/ Tree Nut-free. We encourage students who bring their own lunch (which may contain allergens) to not share food with their peers at school. Homemade food items are not allowed in classrooms to be shared for class parties. Teachers are encouraged to coordinate with parents to provide non-food items instead. If food is a part of the classroom celebration, 

Store-bought food must have an attached ingredient label and cannot contain nut or peanut ingredients.

Due to the risk of latex becoming airborne as a result of balloon popping, latex balloons are not permitted in District 49 schools. Mylar foil balloons are an acceptable alternative to latex balloons for the school setting.

District 49 has adopted a policy for Stock Epinephrine for Schools. See link below:

For more information about life-threatening allergies, visit:

Personal Care Items: The following items may be applied to your child if needed ONLY for preventative care: Vaseline (for chapped lips), lotion, natural saline eye drops.  Please inform your school nurse if you do not want these items applied to your child. 

Use of crutches and wheelchair:  Each health room has a wheelchair for emergency use only.  If your student requires temporary use of their own crutches or wheelchair, please provide a Dr.’s note to the health room and accommodations will be made.  Parents must provide mobility devices for their students such as crutches, wheelchair since these will not be provided by the school.

Immunizations: Entry to KG and K-12th Grade School Required Immunization Parent Letter for 2024-2025 school years are posted on this site.  New Senate Bill 20-163 Non-Medical exemption process has changed effective July 1, 2021. 

Illness Guidelines:  Falcon School District 49 is following the Illness Guidelines from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Children’s Hospital Colorado.  Please refer to the guidelines posted on this site as well as you can access information under CDPHE at:


School Health Documents

School Required Forms to be completed by student’s primary care physician & signed by parent/guardian must be updated every school year.  If unsure of which form to download, please contact your school nurse and/or your school health room staff. 

Use this link and go to Health Care Plans “health care plan quick links within green box”: plan


Health Care Plan Quick Links/Allergy/Anaphylaxis

  • Colorado Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan and Medication Orders

    • *If your student will self carry their Epinephrine, we will also require a self carry contract which will be completed at your student’s school. 


Health Care Plan Quick Links/Asthma/Health Care Plan

  • Colorado Asthma Care Plan

    • *If your student will self carry their Asthma Inhaler medication, we will also require a self carry contract which will be completed at your student’s school. 


Health Care Plan Quick Links/Epilepsy/Seizures

  • Seizure Action Plan


Health Care Plan Quick Links/Diabetes 

  • Go To: Nursing Forms Resources/Nurse Files/Provider Order Forms (towards bottom of page).  

    • Form 201 Provider Order Forms for Insulin Injections

    • Form 202 Provider Order Forms for Insulin Pumps

      • *Barbara Davis Center and Children’s Hospital Diabetes Medical Providers are aware of which form the school will require, they will provide these orders at your medical appointment.  


Medication Administration Form: Please contact your school health room to obtain the “permission to administer medication in school” form if your student will require a daily medication during school hours such as ADHD/as needed over the counter medications. 

Colorado Immunization Requirements Update

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is encouraging all families to become familiar with the state’s expectations for keeping children’s vaccinations current, along with the updated process to acquire a certificate of exemption for school. 

We invite you to watch a short video that explains the current expectations, how to obtain vaccinations and how to complete the exemption process. 

For additional information, please click the links below.

School Required Vaccines/Exemption Information:

CDPHE Communicable Disease/Infectious Disease

Information for school and child care setting about infectious disease/communicable disease guidance from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 

El Paso County Public Health

COVID-19 Information 

Annual Health Forms

D49 is now collecting your student's Annual Health History online through your parent portal.  Please take the time to set up your portal and inform us of any medical needs your student may need addressed while at school.  This is also an excellent time to make sure your phone numbers and emergency contacts are updated. 


District 49 Nursing Services: 

If you need to contact your school nurse, please either call the school or email your school nurse. A list of nursing staff is available on the School Nurses page