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School District 49

Gifted Identification Process

Gifted Identification Process

School District 49's Gifted Education (GE) program inspires, challenges and empowers gifted learners to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives and demonstrate knowledgeable, responsible citizenship. Academically and intellectually gifted students require differentiated educational services beyond those provided in a standard educational program. Outstanding abilities are present in students from all cultural groups, across all economic strata and in all areas of human behavior. The District 49 Gifted Education program provides a comprehensive research-based program that:

  1. Offers appropriate differentiated classroom instruction and program options responsive to student ability and learning needs;
  2. Supplies a continuum of program service options;
  3. Supports an educational environment that challenges gifted learners and enables students to perform at levels of excellence;
  4. Addresses the social and emotional needs of diverse gifted students in a safe environment;
  5. Facilitates the development of self-directed learners who effectively utilize technology for educational advancement;
  6. Provides instructional leadership that encourages staff development and collaboration in order to better prepare all stakeholders who interact with our gifted population.

District 49 Gifted Identification Process

To ensure equal and equitable opportunity, all 3rd and 6th grade students will be administered a full cognitive assessment prior to December of each year.
Step I—Nomination
A student may be nominated for the identification process by a parent, teacher, self, peers, assessment results, or previous GE identification in another district or state,

Step II—Screening Process
An educational team consisting of the classroom teacher/s, counselor, gifted education facilitator and building administrator will meet to initiate the GE screening process.

Step III—Synthesis of Body of Evidence
Information from various sources, a body of evidence, will be collected for the nominated student.  The committee will determine if the nominated student meets the identification criteria of District 49 and Colorado.

Step IV—Communicate Results
The school's gifted education facilitator will communicate the results of the nomination to all stakeholders. A parent, student or teacher has the right to appeal the identification decision. To initiate an appeal process, the appellant should contact the building principal and complete the necessary documentation.

Step V—Development of an Advanced Learn Plan
If a student is identified as a Gifted Learner, the educational team, along with parents, will meet to develop an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP). This individualized plan will outline student learning goals/objectives and identify instructional programming/strategies to ensure student growth. This plan serves as a record of student progress and will be updated on a yearly basis.




Identification Documents
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