Please contact the school directly, if you are a registrar from another district requesting or forwarding a student file, or a current or former student in need of a transcript.
District 49's enrollment and central offices do not maintain student records or transcripts.
D49 High Schools Transcript Information
Falcon High School
Phone: 719-495-5520
Phone: 719-495-5505
Pikes Peak Early College
Phone: 719-494-8924
Sand Creek High School
Phone: 719-495-1160
Springs Studio for Academic Excellence
Phone: 719-494-8940
Vista Ridge High School
Phone: 719-494-8800
What If The School Is On Summer Break?
For assistance during breaks, such as summer break, please contact the Zone Executive Assistant. The Executive Assistants can assist with transcript or school record questions, questions regarding transferring your student from another in-district school or with general questions about a school of choice application that you may have submitted.
Falcon Zone
Sand Creek Zone
iConnect Zone