BASE49 2024-2025 School Year
2024-2025 Click Here: BASE49 Registration Link
Registrations are completed every season. You must create an account (if you have not done so in the past), and select a contract.
What is BASE49?
BASE49 is a Before and After School Program that provides quality care on scheduled days, as well as during early release, assessment, and professional development days for working families. We also offer a summer program at limited locations.
All District 49 students from grades Kindergarten through Fifth grade are welcome to attend. BASE49 accepts children ages 5 years through 11 years. The program runs from 6 am-6 pm. Our summer and break hours may vary.
BASE49 Rates
2024-2025 Registration Fees (discounts do not apply to registration fees, registration fees are non-refundable)
1 Student $50.00
2 Students $80.00
3 or more Students $120.00
2024-2025 Tuition:
Full-Time (Consistent) Program
This program is a Monday-Friday (not including closures) option for students in which families are guaranteed care Monday-Friday. This program DOES NOT HAVE THE OPTION TO CANCEL DAYS WITHIN EACH WEEK. You pay for the days, regardless if you attend or not.* Non-school days need to be requested separately and will be approved two weeks before the scheduled day. Approval for the non-school days is “first come, first served” based on staffing and availability.
Full Time Before School Only $70.00 per week
Full Time After School Only $80.00 per week
Full Time Before and After School $130 per week
*We do offer our full-time families ONE week (Monday-Friday) of vacation to utilize during the school year.
Part-Time (Drop-In) Program
This program option allows families to request certain days they need care for their students. This program DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOUR STUDENT A SPOT AS IT IS BASED ON AVAILABILITY. Approval/denial emails are sent the Monday prior to the week requested, and families can cancel up until the Wednesday before the scheduled week of care. Non-school days need to be requested separately and will be approved two weeks before the scheduled day. Approval for the non-school days is “first come, first served” based on staffing and availability.
Part-Time Before School Only $18.00 per day
Part-Time After School Only $18.00 per day
Part-Time Before and After School $36.00 per day
Non-School Only Full Day Program
This program option allows families to request care for non-school days only. Approval for the non-school days is “first come, first served” based on staffing and availability. Families can cancel up until the Wednesday before the scheduled week of care.
$50.00 per day
Discounts: (Applied to the accounts of legal guardians who meet the criteria)
Military families receive 10% off the tuition rate
Multi-student families receive 10% off rate of the oldest child's tuition
Full Year D49 staff members can receive 50% total tuition
The following forms are required before your student(s) first day of attendance.
Required Forms
CCCAP Parent Information/Acknowledgements
Parent Kiosk Introduction (video)
Parent Community: Adding Delegates(video)
Medical Forms (if applicable):