Planning Department
District 49 continues to grow with our community and the planning department is integral in maintaining current facilities and planning for our future development.
Currently, 19 of 22 district schools are operating over capacity and as such it is extremely important for us to keep good tabs on the state of those facilities. Determining where repairs or improvements are necessary is complex. Student and staff safety, legal compliance (i.e. ADA), energy efficiency, asset protection, and educational program needs are just a few of the perspectives that must be monitored. Understanding all of the individual situations, prioritizing the list of needs, and finding opportunities to address multiple priorities in an individual project serves the district well to be a good steward of taxpayer funds.
The planning department also helps educational leaders develop strategies for where they need to go in the future – what are the long term capital needs of the district, and what are the best scenarios for addressing those needs in a timely and affordable manner, and in a way that considers innovative and efficient options so that all capital investment is prudent and valuable to district needs.