Travel Study Trip Requests
Travel Study Trip Requests
BOE Policy JJH-Student Travel
All travel study trips (not field trips during the school day) sponsored by school personnel or offered by other individuals or groups through the schools shall require prior approval from the principal and Superintendent. These student activity trips are defined as overnight trips or trips out of state.
Please review BOE Policy JJH-R prior to submitting a trip request.
- Indications of student/parent/guardian interest in a travel study trip may be solicited prior to submission of a request. However, it must be clearly understood that no commitment will be made for the trip until approval of the Superintendent is secured.
- All trips as defined in these guidelines involving district staff members and students, whether during a school or vacation period, must comply with these guidelines.
- The maximum number of regular school-days for any trips shall be three.
- Student-adult ratios will not exceed eight-to-one with appropriate coverage to be approved by the administration. Chaperones not employed by the District must register with the District administration office to determine liability coverage prior to trip departure.
- Section 6.13.C of the Rules and Regulations Governing Schools in the State of Colorado require that at least one school staff member with a current certification in Standard First Aid and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) from a nationally recognized course be on off-site field trips.
- At least one week prior to the trip departure, trip sponsors will provide the school health office with a list of students attending the event to ensure medical needs have been addressed before the trip.
- There is an exception to this rule if the trip is leaving the country and booked through an outside agency like EF Tours or WorldStrides.
- The student-adult ratio requirement applies to all settings, including travel, lodging, competition or performance.
- Permission forms from the students' parents and teachers must be signed and collected prior to departure. These documents will be in their possession on the trip. The trip sponsor will maintain possession of these forms during the trip.
A proposal for a travel study trip will be submitted according to the following timelines. All deadlines are a minimum in terms of calendar days.
One hundred twenty (120) days prior to departure for any trip which requires fund-raising. Ninety (90) days prior to departure for any trip using an outside agency and/or going outside the continental United States. Thirty (30) days prior to departure for all other trips which:- Require overnight stays or
- Are out-of-state but within the continental United States and without the involvement of any outside agency.
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