Student Photo Opt Out
D49 Student Photo / Image Usage Opt-Out Form
District 49 uses student photos and videos to promote school and educational activities, awards, athletics, clubs, special programs, honors, and other events, including photos in the yearbook.
These images will be used on district and school websites, social media, videos, posters, promotional materials, advertisements and other online and offline media. You have our assurance that these images will be used only for official purposes and with the respect and consideration to which you and your student(s) are entitled. Please take a look at the district website and social media for examples.
If you wish to opt out of having D49 use your student’s image, (including yearbook) you will need to fill out this form that restricts your child’s name, photo / image and directory information (school and grade) from being published in staff-produced district and school media listed above.
This does not restrict a teacher from sending information, photos or videos related to a student to the parent or guardian.
If no photo / image opt-out documentation is on file, it will be assumed that permission for release of information has been granted per school board policy JRA/JRC: Disclosure of Directory Information.
Open Events: Please be aware that ensuring student privacy is NOT POSSIBLE during open events such as school or district-related meetings, assemblies, activities, performances and athletics where cameras are permitted.
Parents, guardians, family members, and students are potentially taking and sharing photos and videos during these Open Events, even if not open to the general public. Images of your student could be in these photos and videos. By choosing to allow students to attend or participate in such activities and programs, parents/guardians agree to this condition. D49 will do its best to not share photos of students with photo opt-out forms taken at open events.
Public Events: Students participating in sports, choir, band, JROTC, cheerleading, theater, and other school activities, or attending such activities, that are open to the public are NOT ELIGIBLE for photo opt-out forms, as there is no way to prevent photography and videos and news media coverage of public events. D49 has the right to use photos of these students.
Student-produced news is not considered student directory information. Parents/guardians who do not want their children included in student-produced media should not allow their children to pose for these photos or videos or participate in student media.
The district limits access to the outside news media, but it does not have control of the media. Access by news media, individuals, organizations, or television/film production companies to non-public locations and events, such as inside a classroom, will be conditioned upon agreement to honor parent/guardian preferences.
How To Opt Out
1. You will need to login to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account. PowerSchool Parent Portal If you do not have a portal account set up please reach out to your school's office staff.
2. While logged into the Parent portal, look on the left side of the screen and find the forms button.
3. In the forms menu, you will find many open forms available. You are looking for the “D49 Student Photo / Image Usage Opt-Out form” which should be available under the Photo Opt-Out section.
4. The student’s information will auto-fill, but you will have to fill out the rest of the form in order to opt out of photo and image usage. Click Submit on completion of the form.
5. This form is only good for the current school year and must be filled out each year.
6. If you have opted out of photo and image usage but wish to opt back in, you must fill out the “D49 student photo / image usage opt out cancelation form.” The process for that form is the same and can also be found under the Photo Opt-Out section.