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School District 49

Financial Transparency

District 49 is committed to remaining a trustworthy recipient of taxpayer investment and we know that financial transparency is paramount. The business office ensures that multiple sources of the district's financial information are publicly accessible.
The links below open shared Google Folders that contain the relevant information on the district website.
If you need assistance with any of these documents, please contact the Business Office.
Public schools receive funding from a variety of sources in Colorado. However, most revenues to the state's 178 school districts are provided through the Public School Finance Act of 1994 (as amended). Moneys provided via the Public School Finance Act are available to each school district to fund the costs of providing public education. Find more information at the Colorado Department of Education School Finance Division. For more information about District 49 finances, download and view our financial reports and documentation.

Disclaimer: Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions. Some transactions may appear improper on the surface but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context. We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records.

Board Financial Statements

Every employee shares District 49's fiduciary responsibility to taxpayers; financial transparency is one part of that responsibility. Each month, the chief business officer reports the financial position of the district and the status of district expenditures and budgets to the Board of Education as part of the district's strategic plan to engage the community and maintain District 49 as a trustworthy recipient of taxpayer investment. 
Year end results are preliminary, pending completion of the district audit.

Accounts Payable Registers

An important component of District 49's financial transparency includes showing how and where money is being disbursed from the general fund to operate the district. The attached disbursement registers contain top vendors by dollar amount for the individual month and fiscal year to date. Additionally,  a detailed check register, including each check issued by the district and all purchases made on district cards are detailed for your analysis.
The current fiscal year and previous two years can be found below. Previous years can be found on the disbursement archive page.

Investment Performance Reports

The investment performance reports we post here are intended to demonstrate cash flow cycles for the district, and how and where we invest our monies to meet those cash flow needs.

District 49 Local Tax Revenue Information

Local funding to support the educational and operational efforts of District 49 is raised through taxes levied on property owners in District 49.
Assessed Valuation - Mill Levies 
 Fiscal Year
 Net Assessment
 Market Valuation  Assessed Valuation  General Fund  Mill Levy Override  SB 184 Adj.  Bond Redemtion Fund  Total Mills  Funded Pupil Count
2011-2012 10.69% $6,200,983,265  $662,871,630 24.459  9.8  0.371  11.212  45.842  14,201.66
2012-2013 10.51% $6,317,740,713  $663,717,810 24.459  9.8  0.114  11.212  45.585  14,572.86
2013-2014 10.51% $6,321,813,966  $664,597,320 24.459  9.8  0.146 11.212  45.617  17,932.98
2014-2015 10%  $6,594,766,136  $689,724,560 24.784  9.8  0.325  11.212  46.121  20,222.50
2015-2016  10%  $7,318,389,792  $751,972,470  24.459  9.8  0.217  10.159  44.635  21,839.30