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School District 49

Engage With D49

Committees Available for Families to Serve On

SEAC - Special Education Advisory Committee

  • ABOUT: The committee’s work is critical and the benefits support our students. The committee can increase involvement, strengthen communication and improve relationships among stakeholders. The SEAC helps ensure that students with special needs receive the most appropriate education. D49 SEAC is used to provide suggestions to improve performance indicators from the State Performance Plan and services for students with disabilities. When district-wide collaboration improves, programming for students with and without disabilities is strengthened, setting the stage for improved student achievement.

  • WHO CAN JOIN? This is open to any stakeholder in D49

  • MEETING TIMES: Meets the 2nd Monday of the month via zoom

  • HOW TO JOIN: For more information, contact


SAC - School Accountability Committee

  • ABOUT: Each school in the district has a SAC composed of family members, staff members and community members. They meet to review the school’s budget, Unified Improvement Plan (UIP), and to learn more about the inner workings of the school. 

  • WHO CAN JOIN: This is open to any stakeholder in the individual school’s community

  • MEETING TIMES: Must meet at least quarterly

  • HOW TO JOIN: Contact your building principal to ask about future meeting dates.


DAAC - District Accountability Advisory Council

  • ABOUT: The committee advises the board on the adequacy and efficiency of educational programs, including school charters, school improvement goals and district objectives. The committee reviews and recommends for approval, the district's unified improvement plan, which contains the district's goals and objectives, along with implementation and monitoring strategies, before submission to the District 49 Board of Education. The DAAC also makes recommendations to the Board of Education related to the expenditures of school district funds. All findings and recommendations of the DAAC are advisory in nature. The agenda is membership driven. 

  • WHO CAN JOIN: 1 representative from each building (charters included) and 1 alternate, Max. 3 community members from D49 can be on the DAAC Committee. However, these are public meetings and anyone is able to attend anytime. 

  • MEETING TIMES: Meets monthly in person the last Tuesday of each month at 6pm in Peakview Hall at the Creekside Success Center

  • HOW TO JOIN: There is an application process. Applications must be approved by the Principal or SAC (School Accountability Committee) Chair. The application can be found online or by emailing


COGS - Champions of Gifted Services

  • ABOUT: This is the D49 Gifted Education Advisory Council.  Their mission is to advocate for the unique needs of students with gifts in D49 by:

    • Being liaisons between families and the district

    • Sharing information and community resources

    • Increasing the visibility of students with gifts.

  • MEETING TIMES: They typically meet the first Tuesday of each month, except for December.  

  • WHO CAN JOIN: Family members with gifted students and representatives from each school in D49 

  • HOW TO JOIN: Email for more information


DWAC - District-wide Wellness Advisory Council 

  • ABOUT: The DWAC seeks ways to increase engagement through education and opportunities for the D49 community to follow best practices around physical, mental, social, and emotional wellness. The DWAC is also responsible to monitor the implementation of the School Wellness policy (ADF), evaluate the District’s progress of the policy’s goals, serve as a resource to schools (i.e., provide lists of healthy incentives, snacks, etc.) and recommend revisions to the policy as the council deems necessary and/or appropriate. 

  • WHO CAN JOIN? Open to stakeholders in D49 and the community (parents and students included). 

  • MEETING TIMES: They generally meet 3 times a year (fall, early spring and then in May). 

  • HOW TO JOIN: If interested, contact CharLynn Stegman, D49 Health and Wellness Specialist, at 

Preschool Advisory Council

  • ABOUT: This committee provides assistance and makes recommendations in implementing and coordinating the district’s preschool program. Members of the Council are volunteers throughout our community. Members will serve a two-year term and conduct at least two on site preschool classroom visits per year. These visits are to monitor the overall program quality, compliance, and to make recommendations for improvement if needed.
  • WHO CAN JOIN? This is open to any stakeholder in D49

  • MEETING TIMES: Meets six times per year via a virtual meeting format.

  • HOW TO JOIN: You can sign up using this Google Form.