Falcon Zone Adminstration
The Falcon Zone Administration Office is located on the Firebird Nation Campus at 11243 Londonderry Drive.
Phone: 719-495-5525
Email: timothy.scheck@d49.org
Qualifications: M.A. - Curriculum and Instruction, UCCS Principal Licensure, Lamar University B.A. - Recording Arts, UCCS
Tim Scheck
This is my 16th year in education and my 11th year working in the Falcon Zone. Falcon has become my home, and I am excited to serve the zone as the Academic Administrator. This year, I will work closely with instructional coaches and building leaders to ensure teachers have the tools to empower their students. I will help collect and analyze student performance data and build systems that allow teachers to meet students where they are in their educational journey. This is the year that we elevate instruction and ensure students are learning in engaging environments and have advanced opportunities. This is the year to Empower Falcon Zone.
Email: carolyn.muresan@d49.org
Phone: 719-213-0335
Qualifications: M.A. - Curriculum and Instruction & Principal Licensure, UCCS B.S. - Psychology with Teaching Certification, UCCS
Cari Muresan
My name is Cari Muresan and I am the new Falcon Zone Community Liaison. This is my 22nd year in education, and I have been lucky enough to be a part of the Falcon Zone for the last several years as a teacher at Falcon Middle School and then the Dean of Students at Falcon Elementary School of Technology. The Falcon Zone is near and dear to my heart and I'm honored to be able to serve in this community in a different capacity.
The Falcon Zone aims to provide Engaging Environments, Enhanced Opportunities, and Elevated instruction for all students, and our staff is committed to preparing our students to be successful in our ever-changing world.
As the ZCL, I will work to facilitate community partnerships, encourage parent and family involvement in the schools, foster trust between parents and the educational community, and foster higher academic achievement through collaboration with school personnel.
I am excited to engage and connect with each of you in the near future as we continue to make the Falcon Zone the best place to Learn, Work and Lead!